The Friary
The Friary and Retreat centre was built in the 1970’s. Many of our guests remark on the wonderfully homely feel of the place, however, it does require some work to create a ‘greener’ space. There are two main projects underway at the moment:

Energy -
We have been searching for a solution to our energy needs that also fits our ethos. Moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable sustainable energy. The initial stages of installing a geothermic heat pump and solar energy system are underway. This has also included a thorough assessment of the building in relation to insulation.
Waste Management – it has also been necessarily for us to seek a ‘green’ solution to our sewage needs. Our current system is not fit for purpose and this has created the opportunity to do something a little different. We now have a Reed Bed Sewage system designed for us by Alvin Morrow, a local environmental sewage engineer. This will utilise the natural processes of microbial action and evaporation to treat our waste water. With an engineered Reed Bed and Wetland comprising the treatment stages. This is an innovative move for a retreat centre like ours.
Waste Management -
it has also been necessarily for us to seek a ‘green’ solution to our sewage needs. Our current system is not fit for purpose and this has created the opportunity to do something a little different. We now have a Reed Bed Sewage system designed for us by Alvin Morrow, a local environmental sewage engineer. This will utilise the natural processes of microbial action and evaporation to treat our waste water. With an engineered Reed Bed and Wetland comprising the treatment stages. This is an innovative move for a retreat centre like ours.

“...through Brother Fire, through whom you light the night and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong....”

The Friars-
Each friar of our Laudato Si community, strives to be open to the ecological conversion described by Pope Francis.
Contemplative prayer was the fountain spring from which our reform flowed, and this continues to be true for us. From our prayer life comes the energy and wisdom to be formed anew.
We are committed to exploring, developing, and living in such a way as to express an ever deepening relationship with God, others, and creation. We take seriously our moral responsibility towards all our brothers and sisters, and are moving in the direction of the goals set for us by Pope Francis.
...through Sister Mother Earth, who sustains us and governs us and who produces varied fruits with coloured flowers and herbs
Fraternity -
The cry of the earth, Pope Francis tells us, is heard alongside the cry of the poor. The response to these cries has always been an integral part of the Church’s mission, and therefore of our own.
At Ards Friary, there is a long relationship with the local community and the Friars are very much part of the commitment of the Church to this area, serving the local community sacramentally, pastorally, and liturgically.
It is also very much part of out own Capuchin tradition to be with the poor – in whatever form this poverty manifests – and to be in solidarity with them as brothers.
The fraternity aspires to offer a safe space for all , and to use whatever we have to holistically support others in their healing journey.