Choose your retreat

Choose the retreat you wish to attend from our list of retreats below, then please contact us here, or through the button/socials below.

Thank you.

Refresh body, mind and spirit

Join us for a retreat at Ards.


Ards Staff, colleagues and visiting facilitators offer a range of retreats and spiritual exercises that aim to support people who are on religious  and spiritual journeys, both at home in Ireland and abroad.

Ards Friary Programme of Retreats 2024

Wed 3 Jan – Fri 2 Feb

30-day Ignation Retreat led by Br. Philip Baxter OFM Cap


Thur 11 Jan – Mon 12 Feb

30-day Ignation Retreat – Loretto Sisters


Fri 16 – Sun 18 Feb

Contemplative Outreach

Contemplative Outreach Ireland are holding a Weekend Centering Prayer Retreat at Ards Friary Retreat Centre 16th – 18th February 2024. Give yourself the gift of a weekend of quiet time-out in surroundings that will enable you to receive the gift of Christ’s presence and action in your life. Join us for contemplative prayer, stillness, solitude and reflection. Full residential €230.

Contact: Email: Phone: Eileen; 00 353 87 6017709


Fri 23 – Sun 25 Feb

Bereavement I

Companioning your grief.

Experience shows that the mutual support of people who come together and share their common experience of loss is invaluable in encouraging healing. Sharing your pain with others won’t make it disappear, but it will, over time, make it more bearable. When we feel hopeless and can’t see a way forward, sensing that we are not alone provides us with much needed encouragement and comfort.

In these two weekend retreats participants will reflect on and share their experiences in a safe, non-threatening atmosphere. Even though they are not friends or family, they learn to offer each other fresh perspectives on their journey through grief, and much appreciated affirmation.


These weekend retreats will be most valuable to people

-who have journeyed six months after their loss.

– who are open to embracing hope

– and are able to listen to and share their own and others peoples’ stories of grief.

 – – participants in the second weekend will have attended programme one.

Facilitator: Fr. Philip Baxter and John Keane


Fri 23 – Sun 25

Feb Lenten Retreat

Season of Well-Being

Lent is a suitable time to practice the things that are good for our physical, mental and spiritual health.

Facilitator: Philip McParland


Fri 1 – Sun 3 March

John Bell (Yoga)


Fri 8 – Sun 10 March

Bereavement II

See Bereavement I above – only those who have attended Bereavement I will be eligible for this retreat.

Facilitator: Fr. Philip Baxter and John Keane


Sat 9 March

Retreat Day for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers

This day will begin at 10.30am and finish at 4.00pm. It will include some input, silent time, social time and a full lunch.


Sun 10 – Fri 15 March

Private Retreat (Pastor Sheila)


Fri 15 – Sun 17 March



Fri 22 – Sun 24 March

Cursillo Friendship

Cursillo is a short course to develop one’s relationship with Christ through an adult understanding of the Christian faith.


Thurs 28 – Sun 31 March

Easter Triduum


Fri 5 – Sun 7 April

Annie Deery


Fri 12 – Sun 14 April

Healing our Wounds

“If we allow our wounds to become sacred wounds then our story becomes a sacred story” Richard Rohr. Our wounds have a huge impact on how we experience ourselves and on how we live our lives.

This workshop will offer a way to transform our wounds.

Limited to 12 people.


Fri 19 – Sun 21 April

Bosco McColgan


Tues 23 – Sun 28 April

Mountain Centre Retreat


Sat 4 – Mon 6 May

Dublin Brazilian Community (Private Group)


Fri 10 – Sun 12 May

Practical Philosophy (Private Group)


Mon 13 – Thurs 16 May

AA Women’s Retreat


Fri 17 – Fri 24 May

Sisters of the Renewal (Private Retreat)



Fri 31 May – Wed 5 June


5-Day Guided BioSpiritual Focusing Silent Retreat

Come to the beauty and peace of Ards Friary . . .where noticing and receiving with openness all that is most real within can lead to greater freedom and transformation. In this silent guided retreat, we will explore the practice of BioSpiritual Focusing as based on the work of Eugene Gendlin and further developed by Frs. Pete Campbell and Ed McMahon.  Participants will attend morning group sessions of learning and discussion, and each afternoon, will meet one-on-one with a Focusing Companion. There will be evening sessions for discussions, providing observations and opportunities for questions regarding the process of BioSpiritual Focusing. Silence during the rest of the day is suggested.

As you participate in this life-giving and life-changing experience over the course of the 5 days, you will become more and more aware of the sacred story you carry in your own body and the movement of grace in your life. Gift yourself with a few days to simply be present and receive insight, healing, and a sense of connection or whatever is most needed now.

Facilitators: John Keane and Fr. Philip Baxter


Fri 7 – Sun 9 June

Annie Deery


Sun 9 – Thurs 13 June

Interdiocesan Clergy Retreat


Fri 14 – Sun 16 June



Mon 24 – Thurs 27 June

Raphoe Clergy Retreat


Sat 6 – Fri 12 July

Meditation Retreat (Transcendental)


Sat 13 – Thurs 18 July

Benedictine (Men’s Retreat)

Guided by the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Saint Joseph.

These five-day retreats are a shortened form of the full Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. The Exercises are a synthetic and practical presentation of the central truths of the Catholic faith—God, the meaning of life, the eternal destiny of mankind, the life of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race—in the form of meditations, examination of conscience and prayers, to find peace of heart, rid oneself of worldly attachments and discover the will of God for the salvation of the soul. On the purely practical level, the day consists of 4 or 5 talks given by one or other of the two priests who are guiding the retreat. After each talk there is time for private prayer, and then free time to converse with the priests. There is of course daily Mass and Rosary, as well as opportunity for Confession.

Daily Mass is generally offered according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Priest/ retreatants, celebrate Mass privately according to the form of their choice.

Commences: 5:30pm (Supper)

Contact: Monks of St Joseph Abbey – Fax 00 333 80 962529, email: or Ards Friary Tel: 074 913 8909;  Email:


Fri 19 – Sun 21 July

Annie Deery


Mon 22 – Thurs 25 July

Christian Family Group (Private Group)


Mon 22 – Fri 26 July

Sli Colmcille (Private Group)


Sat 27 July – Thurs 15 August

Christendom College


Fri 16 – Sun 18 August



Sun 18 – Fri 23 August

Marian Priests (Private Retreat)


Fri 23 – Sun 25 August

Matt Talbot

The Matt Talbot Retreat is intended specifically for people recovering from alcoholic addiction. Contact Patsy 0044 771 287 1870, Mickey 0044 776 453 35588, Jim 0044 785 048 2282 Email:


Sun 25 – Fri 30 August

August Wild Spirituality


Fri 6 – Sun 8 Sept

Annie Deery


Tues 3 – Sun 8 Sept

Black Mountain Centre


Fri 13 – Sun 15 Sept  

Bereavement I

Companioning your grief.

Experience shows that the mutual support of people who come together and share their common experience of loss is invaluable in encouraging healing. Sharing your pain with others won’t make it disappear, but it will, over time, make it more bearable. When we feel hopeless and can’t see a way forward, sensing that we are not alone provides us with much needed encouragement and comfort.

In these two weekend retreats participants will reflect on and share their experiences in a safe, non-threatening atmosphere. Even though they are not friends or family, they learn to offer each other fresh perspectives on their journey through grief, and much-appreciated affirmation.


These weekend retreats will be most valuable to people

-who have journeyed six months after their loss.

– who are open to embracing hope

– and are able to listen to and share their own and others peoples’ stories of grief.

  – – participants in the second weekend will have attended programme one.

Facilitator: Fr. Philip Baxter and John Keane


Fri 13 – Sun 15 Sept

John Bell


Sun 15 – Fri 20 Sept

Silent Retreat

Facilitator: Fr. Brendan McManus SJ


                                                                                           Wed 25 Sept 

Welcoming Autumn: A Day Retreat for the Retired

This day will begin at 10.30am and finish at 4.00pm. It will include some input, silent time, social time and a full lunch.


Fri 27 – Sun 29 Sept  

The Path to Self-Acceptance

The journey of life is a journey into deeper levels of self-acceptance. This weekend will explore the things that help us accept ourselves as we are.


Thurs 26 – Mon 30 Sept  

Private Retreat (German Bus Tour)


Fri 4 – Sun 6 October

Introduction to Contemplative Ecology

The change in our climate, the loss of the diversity of life on Earth, the extinction of many species, along with advances in physics, evolutionary biology and ecology, have led many to begin to reconsider  our place in the cosmic reality we, in the Christian tradition, call creation. This is challenging, scary, exhilarating and ultimately vital for the future of all life.

This retreat will introduce the fundamental theory and practises of what many are now calling Contemplative Ecology. The wisdom that moves us towards an ever deeper life, growing in awareness of our entanglement in creation, and allowing tend and keep paradise, our common home. Our hope for this weekend is that you will be inspired and leave with a deeper sense of your own place within this vast and beautiful creation, and grounded in the Incarnation, so embody it in your local communities.


Fri 4 – Sun 6 October 


Facilitator: Lorraine Rooney


Fri 11 – Sun 13 October  

Annie Deery


Fri 18 – Sun 20 October

John Bell


Thurs 24 – Sun 27 October

Cursillo (Men)

Cursillo is a short course to develop one’s relationship with Christ through an adult understanding of the Christian faith.


Thurs 31 Oct – Sun 3 Nov

Cursillo (Women)

Cursillo is a short course to develop one’s relationship with Christ through an adult understanding of the Christian faith.

Wed 6th November 10am-3.30pm

What is God’s Dream for your Life Retreat

This day will be welcoming of everyone, wherever they find themselves on life’s journey. 

It will be particularly useful for individuals and teams who want to take time away from the busyness of life and discover or rediscover a sense of direction and purpose in their lives.

Facilitated by Jim Deeds

Fri 8 – Sun 10 Nov

 Joy of Samhain Retreat

Music, poetry, and nature will carry you gently into this celebration. Inviting you to experience all of this in your own body as it discovers the past, present and future, in a manner that cultivates a creativity that invites us into the next phase of our journey.

Facilitated by Deirdre Ni Chinneide, Fr Philip Baxter and John Keane.

Suggested Donation €280.


Fri 8 – Sun 10 Nov

Engaging with the Earth Community

Tiredness. Frustration. Hopelessness. Helplessness. Confusion. These are just some of the ways that many of us are feeling in the midst of the Earth Crisis. Our times place us in a situation unlike any that has gone before. However, we do have the knowledge and skills we need to not only cope with these difficult emotions, but to transform our responses to it in such a way that will empower us.  

Over these 3 days, we would like to create a space where you can explore the impact of the Earth Crisis on your own emotional, mental, and physical life. This will be done through small community sharing, time in nature, and introductions to useful practices like Mindfulness and Biospirituality.  


Sunday 10th Nov 1pm -6pm

Advent Reflection Retreat: Preparing for the Birth of the Christ Child.

Advent is a time of patient waiting for the ultimate gift at Christmas- the birth of the Christ Child. Join us for a day of Scripture, song and silence that will equip us to go into Advent with plenty to fill our minds and hearts as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus once more. The day will be a source of refreshment and relaxation. You will leave with resources to aid your personal prayer during Advent and to lead others in prayer in your parish and community. 

Facilitated by Jim Deeds

Fri 22nd – Sun 24th Nov 2024

Walking with the Franciscan Mystics Retreat 

In this workshop we will encounter some of the great Franciscan Mystics and find ways we can share in their wisdom and vision for a world renewed by the light of Christ and communion with creation. 

Facilitated by Br Richard Hendrick 

Sat 23rd – Fri 29th Nov 2024

Making Spirit Flesh Retreat

In this retreat, with the narrative theologian John Shea as guide, we will explore some of Jesus’s own stories as well as stories told about him, in order to consent to incarnation- to co-operate with the Spirit, as the Spirit take flesh in us. 

Facilitated by Br. Philip Baxter 

Suggested Donation €700. 

Fri 29th Nov – Sun 1st Dec 2024

Winter: A time of Waiting with Hope Retreat

Through the medium of quiet reflection, input and gentle ritual, this weekend offers an opportunity for you to gently listen in hope to the season of mystery both within yourself and in creation that is ever dying and being born anew.

Facilitated By Dr Grainne Doherty.

Fri 6 – Sun 8 Dec 2024  

Advent Retreat: A God with Skin On

Prepare for Christmas by taking time to reflect on what the birth of Jesus means for our humanity.

This weekend retreat will include input, personal time, social time and prayer time including an opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession. 

Suggested Donation €210. 

Facilitator: Philip McParland

Wed 11th December 10am-3.30pm

What is God’s Dream for your Life Retreat

This day will be welcoming of everyone, wherever they find themselves on life’s journey. 

It will be particularly useful for individuals and teams who want to take time away from the busyness of life and discover or rediscover a sense of direction and purpose in their lives.

Facilitated by Jim Deeds

Fri 13th – Sun 15th Dec 2024  

Spiritual Hunger and the Artistic Soul Retreat

An artistic exploration of our soul’s hunger for spiritual authenticity through play, refection and questioning that engages us as artists, writers, thinkers, spiritual beings and story tellers, in an atmosphere woven with tenderness, creativity, curiosity and courage. We will explore the richness contained within one’s own life through memories, dreams, questions, mysteries, reflections stories, influences, threads and themes. We will each create an accordion sketchbook filled with words and images of our own spiritual longings, helping us to recognise the lifting of the heart and the ‘yes’ of the soul. People of all levels, particularly beginners, of writing and artmaking are welcome.

Facilitator Kate Henessey is an artist, writer and author

Suggested Donation €280 

Sun 15 Dec 

John Bell One day event