Education & Catechesis

In collaboration with the retreat centre and local diocese the friars offer education and catechesis for people at all stages of their Christian journey.
- Baptism preparation for both children and adults.
- Retreats for first communion and confirmation groups from local schools.
- Ongoing formation for Adults.
- Scripture study.
Centering prayer is both a prayer and a method of prayer.
As prayer and as an expression of faith, Centering prayer is an act of opening and surrendering to God who is always present with us and in us.
As a method and discipline, Centering prayer is designed to support us to withdraw our attention from the usual flow of our awareness. With Centering prayer, it is a matter of allowing our ordinary thoughts to recede into the background, ignoring them, and, in the words of Thomas Keating the original master of Centering prayer, “to float along the river of consciousness.”
Centering prayer


BioSpirituality is a form of focusing and is an invitation to a fresh perspective by practicing a spiritual process that leads to a transformation from living as a captive to life’s hurts and griefs to becoming fully alive. It is a process that attends to body, mind and spirit.
Throughout the modern period folks’ attention has been centred on the mind and conceptual clarity as the way to religious experience and truth. In our own times the limits of such knowledge have been laid bare and many people have found themselves rudderless with regards to spiritual experience. By drawing attention to the human body and its role in experiencing the Mystery of life, the Divine, pioneers in the BioSpirituality movement have demonstrated that far from being a barrier to our encountering God, the body is a channel that makes possible interaction with the Divine and with the Universe that Manifests the Divine.
Our bodies hold the energy of all our life experiences as well as the potential of the next best step forward towards flourishing, authenticity and compassion.
What makes BioSpirituality so appealing today is that it offers the possibility of its practitioners finding release from those events and experiences in their lives that are like a quagmire that hold them stuck.
Practitioners find new energy and strength as they find ways of managing the myriads of negative emotions and addictions that they struggle with through learning the skills of being with these painful experiences, welcoming them, and witnessing their transformation into fresh potentials for being fully alive.